Common Programming Concepts
word count:404
estimated reading time:3 minutes
Variables and Mutability
Once a let
value has been initialized, it cannot be reassigned to a different value. For that, you need let mut
fn main() {
let x = 1.1; // x can never be reassigned
let mut y = 2.2;
y = 3.3; // Works fine
y += 4.4; // Syntax sugar for y = y + 4.4
println!("x times y is {}", x * y);
constants are values that are bound to a name and are not allowed to change. unlike let, you aren’t allowed to use mut
with constants.
Also, the type of the value must be annotated:
const THREE: u32 = 3;
Constant evaluation is the process of computing the result of expressions during compilation. Only a subset of all expressions can be evaluated at compile-time.
Read Constant Evaluation
Shadowing lets us perform transformations on an immutable value, but have the variable be immutable after those transformations have been completed.
Data Types
Scalar Types - are integers, floats, booleans and chars.
Each signed (i) variant can store numbers from to inclusive, where n is the number of bits that variant uses. So an i8
can store numbers from to , which equals -128 to 127. Unsigned variants can store numbers from 0 to 2n - 1, so a u8
can store numbers from 0 to 28 - 1, which equals 0 to 255.
Length | Signed | Unsigned |
8-bit | i8 | u8 |
16-bit | i16 | u16 |
32-bit | i32 | u32 |
64-bit | i64 | u64 |
128-bit | i128 | u128 |
arch | isize | usize |
Signed integers are represented using the two’s complement method.
Numeric Operations, Boolean and chars are as usual.
- Char in Rust is represented in 4 bytes in size and represents a unicode scalar value.
Compound Types
- The Tuple Type -
let tup: (i32, f64, u8) = (500,6.4,1)
- Array Type -
let a: [i32,5] = [1,2,3,4,5]
- finite size, elements are the same type and is allocated on the stack and not the heap.
- You can label a loop which is very cool:
'counting: loop {
println!("Im inside the counting loop");
println!("i can break the outer loop!");
break 'counting;
is infinite.while {condition} loops
while number != 0 {
let a = [1,2,3,4,5];
for element in a {